The Incredible Expanding Macbook Battery, Part 2
If you're following the story (here's Part 1), I had a Macbook battery that expanded like one of those dinosaurs you put in water that, uh, expand. If you're curious -- and I know you are -- this is what happens to the expanding cell after about a year.
It's completely expanded to about eight times its original thickness. Should I have kept it? Probably not. Do I have any regrets? Not really.
It's gone now, though.
Imagine the damage this would have done to a laptop that was, say, in storage. I guess this is why they tell you to remove the batteries if you're sticking it in the cupboard for a while. I suppose they couldn't bring themselves to complete the instruction with "..otherwise it'll bloat like a Looney Tunes character, destroying your expensive technology".
Just to clarify the ludicrousness of this failing battery issues -- this is a $150 battery. It's not a double-A.
Here's part three.